Q: Marc thanks for taking some time out of your busy schedule to talk a little bit about chiropractic care and most importantly, health and wellness. I’ve been receiving adjustments from you for about a year and a half and always feel like a million bucks when I leave Life Within, your wellness facility. I’ve gotten to know you pretty well, but for those who have never met you take us for a walk down memory lane and share with them your journey into becoming a Chiropractor. A: There were two instances that prompted me to look into Chiropractic. My Mom suffered for two plus years with Vertigo. She saw about 20 MD’s at Kaiser who couldn’t determine the cause or origin of her condition. After seeing a Chiropractor for the first time, she was back at work within weeks as he was the only person who could help her. In addition, my Uncle was a very prominent Cancer Doctor at the time who told me to look into natural health care as he didn’t like the way western medicine was headed. After interviewing many Chiropractors and doing my own research, I decided it was truly my calling to serve humanity via Chiropractic Care. Q: For whatever reason, A lot of people have never been to a chiropractor. In laymen’s terms, explain why every person can benefit from chiropractic care.
A: Any person can benefit from Chiropractic as the sole purpose of the care we provide is to enhance the immune and nervous system so the bodies self healing, self regulating systems perform at their best. We are not doing the healing as Doctors, but rather simply allowing the individual’s body to work better as a result of our care. Q: Naturally, some first timers are going to have a little apprehension towards hearing their body “pop” during an adjustment. Should a person new to chiropractic care be concerned about having a painful experience? A: Chiropractic should never be painful to receive. A well trained Chiropractor will provide a very specific and gentle adjustment. It is often the case where you hear a noise like a ‘pop’ when you get adjusted. This is simply the air being released between the vertebrae. There is never any contact between the actual bones, and very similar to a suction effect. There is an occasion where 1 out of 10 people may have some minor muscle aches as if they did a great workout at the gym. This is simply the body adapting to the proper position of the vertebrae, but no pain. Q: Once a person starts receiving adjustments, is it something they will have to continue indefinitely or should a person be able to receive correction and maintain it on their own? A: Just as if working out, eating right, sleep, positive attitude are important to maintain, so is the health of your nervous system. Your entire body is run by your nervous system. It is the most important system in the body. We want to maintain our bodies for a lifetime, just as one checks their teeth twice yearly, or gets a retainer after braces, maintenance is the key. It is important, however, to be on a specific plan with your Chiropractor first making correction, then being on a wellness plan. Q: Are there any cases in which you will refuse to treat a patient? For instance, if a person has a history of scoliosis and has had rods put in would they still be a candidate for chiropractic care? A: I have met very few people in 12 plus years in practice that would not benefit from Chiropractic. Just as with any medical care for the body, there may be areas of the body that require a different approach, perhaps a different technique. This is why your Chiropractor needs to be trained in various techniques and approaches. We take care of infants, newborns, elderly, even animals in our office. A thorough examination process and health history is also vital to ensure the proper approach to care. Q: So the readers know what to expect when they step foot into your wellness facility, Life Within, explain the process of getting started with chiropractic care. A: We are a holisitic health center that focuses on overall health. We take the health of each person in our office very seriously. Initial examination includes a consultation, health history, and a highly advanced computerized analysis of your nervous system and how it works. We also take x-rays in our office when it is warranted. After we do our initial work, we schedule a private consult to go over the results of this extensive approach with any health recommendations for care. We have really separated ourselves from most of the profession with this comprehensive approach to a person’s health. Q: Since chiropractic care is just one of the many necessary components to living long and strong, talk about some of the other things that you personally do to look good and feel good. A: I get my spine checked 2-3 x per week. I have not had a cold or taken as much as an advil in over 20 plus years. I believe in physical, chemical, and emotional health. Therefore, I exercise daily, eat 75% raw, hang out with positive like minded people, meditate, stretch daily, sleep 8 hours per night, use affirmations and visualization exercises, drink 100 ounces of water daily, and always have a great self help book for motivation right at my bedside. Q: If you could give one piece of advice to a person who is stuck in a rut, and wants to get back on the road to being healthy and well, what would it be? A: DO SOMETHING! The difference between the winners and the losers is ‘one more step.’ Just get moving! This is the only body you have and you will be living in it for the rest of your life. A special thanks goes out to Dr. Marc for sharing his professional and personal insight into health and wellness! Check out Dr. Marc in action by clicking on the link below. Dr. Marc in action at Life Within
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About the AuthorGym Owner and Personal Trainer, Keith Diedrich has a B.A. in Exercise Science and has been professionally involved in health and fitness in various capacities since 2005. Categories
February 2017
"My initial thought about Keith was that he seemed very casual and not as frenetic as other professionals. I quickly learned that he was gauging my stamina, movements, and technique. He wasn't after a fast burnout, but he wanted to exhaust every muscle every time. He said we were working on a "mind to body connection." With this connection I'd be able to gauge whether a set was 15 reps or 20 reps regardless of the initial "goal of 15!" I believe much of my gains came from Keith always seeing my potential even when I couldn't." ~ Saul "Mr. Biceps" |
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