Water can be your best friend or your worst nightmare. It is necessary for human survival (we can only go a few days without it) and represents about 65% of the human body. Water retention can be a good thing if you're retaining it inside the muscle cells, where 75% of the volume comes from water. Conversely, subcutaneous water retention (outside the muscle, beneath the skin) can be a very bad thing. Cosmetically, you'll have a puffy, smooth look and your skin will feel as if it's going to explode. Now, you may be wondering how you can avoid looking like the "Michellin Man." Pay attention, as these 5 tips may be the difference in whether or not you're able to fit into your favorite pair of jeans.
There is nothing worse than going to the gym and dredding the workout you're about to experience. I'm not saying that you have to be like a kid in a candy store when it comes to your workouts, but at least have some sense of optimism going into your workout. Each individual will vary, but typically, the human body will adapt to a given exercise program within 6-12 weeks. Before I sound too critical, I want to commend anyone who exercises. You are the minority in this country. However, as you and I both know, most people do the same workout for months on end and continue to look and feel the same. As I eluded to earlier, this is due to the adaptive response our bodies have when a certain stimulus is placed upon it. Our bodies tend to gravitate towards homeostasis, a stable, constant condition of properties and unless a different stimulus is placed upon the body, it will continue to do it's usual thing. So just how does one go about placing a new stress on the body? The simplest answer is to do something different, but more specifically, here are 5 ways you can change up your current exercise program.
Everybody goes through a phase where they don't exercise. For some it is planned, and others it happens unexpectedly. For instance, bodybuilders typically take a week, sometimes two, off after they've dieted down 10-12 weeks for a contest to try and give their bodies a chance to rebound. Another unfortunate scenario that I can relate to is experiencing a major injury (Bicep tendon rupture). Injuries requiring surgery will take some time to bounce back from but based on conversations I've had with a few orthopaedic surgeons, the sooner you become mobile, the better! The last reason for a layoff is: life happens! And you can insert any life event or excuse here. The reality is that exercise is one of the first things to be removed in our lives when things get hectic. Which doesn't really make much sense if you think about it. Studies have shown that exercise gives you more energy, improves mental clarity, relieves stress, boosts self confidence, and the list goes why do we neglect it? Well, each situation is unique in it's own sense, but in most cases it's just pure laziness. With that said, if you're trying to make a comeback, here are 5 tips to help you hit the ground running.
If you ask any person who has a great physique what their secret is, I guarantee their response is going to be their diet! With that said, what do they really mean by “their diet” and are they referring to one of the latest fad diets that are advertised all over television and magazines? Hopefully what they mean is they consume healthy, nutritious food at the right time and in the right combination. Here shortly, we’ll take a look at proper food selection and explain the purpose in combining certain food types in a meal. But first, I want to point out that irrespective of your fitness goals, these same principles are applicable. In other words, if one person is trying to build muscle and another is trying to lose fat, the same principles apply. This all sounds fine and dandy and pretty simple, but just how does one go about this?
About the AuthorGym Owner and Personal Trainer, Keith Diedrich has a B.A. in Exercise Science and has been professionally involved in health and fitness in various capacities since 2005. Categories
February 2017
"My initial thought about Keith was that he seemed very casual and not as frenetic as other professionals. I quickly learned that he was gauging my stamina, movements, and technique. He wasn't after a fast burnout, but he wanted to exhaust every muscle every time. He said we were working on a "mind to body connection." With this connection I'd be able to gauge whether a set was 15 reps or 20 reps regardless of the initial "goal of 15!" I believe much of my gains came from Keith always seeing my potential even when I couldn't." ~ Saul "Mr. Biceps" |
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